Friday, 7 December 2007

Small but perfectly formed...

Yippee! I have an egg!!

Soft boiled with soldiers for my tea, I think! I was beginning to get disheartened and actually spent a good while on the "Forum for the Egg-less" last night and had even saved an out-of-date egg to hard-boil and put in the nesting area as a decoy...

Also coming under the same title, I feel these little felt bowls fit in...

They are so easy to knit and I shall be filling them with little goodies for all the girls in my life...sisters, mum, aunties, friends...


  1. Your felt bowls are gorgeous. They remind me of little egg cups (oh the powers of suggestion!).

  2. The felt bowls are so sweet, love the colours, and I also thought they were egg cups!Congratulations on your first eggs...I bet they were the best eggs you've ever tasted weren't they?!

  3. What a wonder an egg is!! And I love those felted egg cups! Do you have pattern to share for these? Happy days eating eggs! ((HUGS))


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