Thursday, 21 May 2009

On your marks...

...all bought...going for pink this year...

...get set...

...the tools of the trade...


...instant colour for my garden...

...making me smile everytime I catch a glimpse of them through the door and windows...


  1. I love them too - but my usual preference is for the bright SCARLET!!!!!!! ones. However when I do buy them my DH moans like mad as he can't stand the smell so I can't put them anywhere near doors into the house or outside seating areas.

  2. A symphony in pink - how lovely. There's something wonderful about geraniums en masse.

  3. There is an ivy leaved geranium which is a fabulous shade of crimson called 'Tom Thumb'. I adore it but unfortunately it is not a very strong grower.

  4. With the guidance of Trish I have bought coconut scented and nutmeg scented geraniums.

    Plus I have them hanging and planted in pots as well - they truly are cheering..

  5. I love geraniums, but hubby has banned them becuase of the smell. I like it though, it reminds me of my mum's garden when I was little.

  6. Pink certainly cheers up the place doesn't it? With regards to the peonies in my blog post, they were here when I moved in twelve years ago. I don't know how long it takes for them to establish but I heard that they don't like being moved. Have a lovely weekend in your pink garden!x

  7. These are so pretty, all ready for summer now!

  8. They're all so lovely. You'll be pleased to know I have finally started making my rectangle of lawn into a garden. Well, there are two shrubs in the border. Will add more as I can afford them! x


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