Sunday, 1 August 2010


I feel a bit like I'm on a roll with this daily posting but as I am going away in two weeks, it feels a little pointless in making another personal commitment.  For the month of August, NaBloPoMo's theme is GREEN and this is the brief:

::   I hope this will open up some doors for the gardeners, painters, and photographers amongst us, as well as those with other green planetary thoughts to share.

I reckon I could go for this one too but won't make any promises...

So, a timely opportunity arose a little while ago in the garden.  For some weeks now I have been having some parakeets visit my neighbourhood.  I have spotted one on one of my bird feeders but have not been able to get a photo.  That changed today.  They have been all over the conifers, presumably eating the new buds.

They seem to have one that acts as a lookout while the others get stuck in!  They are very vocal too!

The sky is so grey, it is difficult to see how brightly coloured they are but when they get spooked and fly off, their underneath is vibrant yellow-green.

I will persevere to get some better photos of them - it makes my day when I see or hear them out there.  Sometimes, there have been a flock of at least 20 and when they fly off it is a wonderful sight.


  1. How exciting to have parakeets in your garden! It just seems so exotic! Lucy x

  2. We were visiting family in Weybridge yesterday and they had parakeets in the garden too! Amazing!

  3. Escapees from somewhere exotic? How cool.

  4. How exotic... and how very exciting!

  5. Oh wow, that's amazing. I'd love them to visit my parts (if you see what I mean) but I think they stick quite close to London, don't they? x

  6. I love our parakeets in Teddington! We have two flocks in our development that quite often whizz past our living room windows in the evenings on their way from the orchard to the woods.

    I once heard a call-in program on Radio 4 with listeners complaining about the London parakeets. How could they?!

    K x

  7. crikey, I had no idea that there was a wild flock. It must be quite a sight - definitely a smile raiser!


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