Tuesday, 3 November 2009

I'm glad...

...that in spite of the rain and greyness that is today...

...and that I am administering medicines every couple of hours or so...

...AND that I have run out of stuffing for my crochet project...

...that I have a little bowl of necessities...

...for doing some relaxing hand-quilting...

...did I mention that I love it?


  1. I will always be glad for Tyrozets - an amazing recent discovery for me!

    Rainy days and knitting or quilting go together so well.

  2. I've not come across Tyrozets. They look like they'd be useful to have in the cupboard ...

    I hope you feel better soon, and in the meantime that you keep enjoying your gorgeously coloured quilting!

  3. Every cloud has a silver lining and yours seems to be quilting!x

  4. I love, love, love hand-quilting. Very relaxing. It takes forever but it's worth it! Lovely photos.

  5. Thank goodness for stitching. It cures most ailments...

  6. hope the stitching promotes a speedy recovery, take care xox

  7. yep, a little bit of what you love gets you through most things. Beautiful colours. Hope those tyrozets do the trick and that you track down some stuffing for the cute crochet!


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