Monday, 2 May 2011

The Secret…

…to hanging perfectly straight photographs (or any other type of pictures)…

I promised I’d share my secret and so here it is:


:: the ingredients ::


The secret ingediants

no more nails and some 1” x 1/2” batten

The secret ingrediant

a level, preferably a long one!

A long level


:: the method ::

The secret1

I cut the batten into roughly 6” pieces (making sure they would all fit behind each of my different size frames) then drew a level for the top line of my bottom row.  Using the no more nails, I stuck the batten pieces roughly in place of each photo – I lined them up on the floor below to give me some idea (plus I’d laid them out previously to get my final layout).  I had to wait patiently for 24 hours before I could then hang my frames on the battens.  They are literally just balanced on the batten!

Then I drew another level above this row (I balanced the level on top of the frames and drew along it!). I then rested each of the top row of photos on top of the level and marked it with a pencil to show where to stick the next bits of batten.  24 hours later and up they went! 

:: the result ::

Photos in living room (2)


I used what I had to hand (read, my camera memory card) to ensure an equal space between each photo and for the two lots of double height frames on the top row, I repeated the process of hanging the lower photo and then marking position of the batten for the top ones.

So, you see, nothing fancy, just good old display tactics! 

Thanks Allison, for the tip!


  1. You have done the most wonderful job - I know I said it before - but you have!

    I would not have the patience.

  2. Aren't you the tricky one!

    Please come over and make my house look good. I'll feed you (normal food, even) and let you take pictures of my flowers?

  3. Pure genius. And can you please come here after you finish at Lynn's house?!

    K x

  4. Ah-ha! So you mean to say, make approximately 4 nail holes to get each picture where I intended it to be is not the best method? Now I see the error of my ways.

  5. Very interesting! Maybe a silly question, but any reason why you're using that no nail thing instead of nails?

  6. ok, tell me the truth.. how's that stuff? I'm crap at putting nails into the wall but my husband won't let me use that....

    what if you change your mind? how easy is it to take off the wall?

  7. Brilliant! So simple and no need to get the whole toolbox out, I like your style!

  8. It looks fabulous - like something out of a style magazine!

  9. Lynn has offered you normal food!


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