Saturday, 4 December 2010

4 :: And so it begins…

As usual, come December, all the hand-made gifts that have been swirling around my head for the last six months start to come to fruition.


A new venture this year for me.  One that puts into practice the classes I went to back here and here.


Christmas embroidery Lucy


  1. Well if it's anything like your monkeys, it's going to be fabulous!

    K x

  2. I haven't made a single gift this year ... not one. Other than ones with photos. I feel a bit bad, but that's how it is. I look forward to seeing what you make. x

  3. Looks intriguing. I have homemade teacher's pressies on my list of things to do next week, hope I can get my act together in time!

  4. LOVE this photos...and all your photos!


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