Hmmm...not easy this blogging business. I feel like I'm trying to fit too many things into each day at the moment. I can't believe I've not posted for over 2 weeks. I have been busy, I promise! I've been trying to prioritise and get the stuff that's
got to be done first before starting on more frivolous projects that seem more fun. It's hard!
Amongst other things, there has been a wedding to attend - beautiful attention to detail; a parent's group meeting in Oxford to participate in - difficult but a must-do; a Knitting and Stitchery Show to visit- packed, but good. I bought a few bits and pieces, but not much wool for some strange reason. Plus work! Part-time admittedly, but still quite consuming... Oh, and the probable reason for writers block - a Personal Statement for my degree application for next year. 4000 characters (including spaces!). You probably all heard the loud exhalation when I was finally satisfied with it. Not easy... I'm taking a HUGE step and am applying to do a B Ed next year. 3 years studying and teacher status at the end of it!
I spent the whole day last Sunday digging in the allotment. It was very satisfying to see weed-free soil; and what soil it is! Lovely and dark and rich...perfect! The other plot is almost ready for a dig now. It was burnt by Joe, the previous plot-holder, yesterday. So, hopefully, I can get cracking on it soon.
And now it's half-term and the last week has flown by. I've had friends to stay so all projects have been on hold since the weekend. This is the current WIP

A pile of calico aprons for my school gardening club. Vegetable motifs to be embroidered on.
A trip to Ikea always goes down well! Amongst other things, I got my Christmas wrapping sorted out. I'm not usually that organised...