So, here we are at Friday already...where on earth did that week go?
My first week at uni is over and it is official: I am now a student! I have attended lectures and seminar groups. I have stood in various queues for over 3 hours to register. I have had 120 new faces flashed in front of me...many of which haven't registered at all, while others have become familiar and comforting in the process of getting to know what to do and when to do it.

I have explored our campus and the neighbouring site for the other faculties. One of our first tasks was to make a 3D map of the facilities available to students and then we had to design and print a poster advertising specific facilities - my group had environmental issues. The week has had a definite focus on team-building and we have been put into groups at any given opportunity.

We have been encouraged to take lots of photos of everything - so my blogging instincts will serve me well! Today, we had to make a collage of our learning journey timeline, but without using glue. The idea? To recycle...we created the collage, took a photo, then put all the resources back for use again! Impressed? I was! The idea being, whatever would we have done with the collage?

An unexpected bonus of my course is that it is a requirement to blog! Good job then, that I've had lots of practice! I've now got a blog set up on the university's studynet site, where I will be expected to keep a record of my experience there. It isn't public, except within the university, but, no doubt, I will be posting the highs and lows of my new path here regularly, along with my usual ramblings.
The thing I've found hardest this week is the attitude of some of the students. The age range on my course is huge - I'm not the oldest! Dare I say, the younger students seem to want to chat the whole way through seminars and it is a real distraction. At least I'm not alone in feeling a slight annoyance - it has become a common thread of conversation between us 'oldies'! Are we too grumpy? I hope not.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and hope to be able to relax a bit...maybe do some crochet or knitting...a lie-in on Sunday will be most welcome...
Sorry the photos are a bit boring...grey days around the campus..note the environment theme!