I'm bored, bored, bored of this constant grey, wet and windy weather. Last night I watched the weather forecast just to see if they could get it right... they couldn't.
No2 wanted to go to HMV at Piccadilly Circus today to go in the gaming zone with a couple of his friends. I still think he's too young to be let loose in the West End on his own so I travelled up with them and gave them 2 hours to themselves in the Trocadero while I had a quick walk up to Liberty and a sandwich and coffee on the steps below Eros - with my umbrella up for most of the time. It was dry when I sat down and rather than lose a dry seat, up went my brolly and I sat there for over an hour watching the world go by.
When we got home, wet, chilly and a bit miserable, I got straight under my quilt and carried on with the hand-quilting. I love this bit. I find it so relaxing, working with a bit of a plan about where to start and what order to do it in. (I'll post about the making of this quilt soon). And who'd have thought I'd have wanted to be snuggled up under a quilt in mid-July?
I'm sure it's not allowed, considering this quilt is brand new, not even finished, but Pip obviously couldn't resist its charms and to be honest, he is a lovely hot water bottle! I think he was lonely, having been left home alone all day.
As the end is in sight for this quilt, I have been choosing fabrics for the next one. My two sisters have asked me to make a quilt for each of my nieces (3 altogether) and so my mind is buzzing with colourways and patterns.
I have just discovered Saints and Pinners and ordered 4 fabrics late on Sunday night. They came today! Now that's what I call service. They have a blog too.

Almost too nice to open... and with a friendly note enclosed!

These fabrics are actually for quilt #1 and #2... I think! I've ordered some more from
eQuilter and they should be here soon - mostly sale fabrics too!

At least the weather keeps me indoors a-sewing and a-crocheting...