Saturday, 26 July 2008
Endings and Beginnings...
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Seven songs...

Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Fresh air...

I really feel like I'm winding down now. The end of term is drawing nearer, and with it, my last days working at school. Today, I had a little leaving party here at my house for the children in my class and the rest of the staff. I made some freshly laid egg sandwiches and a yummy sponge cake filled with fresh raspberries and mascapone cream.
Friday, 11 July 2008
Granny Squares and Giveaways...
For the back I made one huge granny square - I just kept going!
Until I had almost matched the measurements of the front, then finished off with a few more rows of half-treble again.
Finally, I joined both sides together with a row of double-crochet along 3 sides. I've just got to find some buttons to fasten it at the bottom and it will be finished. The colours were inspired by my Urban Garden Quilt.
This week also saw my first giveaway dropping through my letterbox. Diana, over at Pebbledash, got all creative after reading about Wordle on one of my posts last week and I was lucky enough to land myself the result of one of her creations.
Isn't it great? I shall take it on holiday with me and try to get a bit of sketching in while I'm away. I don't often get the chance to sketch, but I love to draw leaves and twigs or anything else connected with nature. Nothing major, just some pencil drawings. And look at the lovely dragonfly tags as well - lucky me! Thank you so much, Diana.
Now, to get down to that list...
Sunday, 6 July 2008
A Squash and a Squeeze...

- Crocheted heart for my friend to carry at her wedding - I'm hoping to adapt the sweetheart bunting pattern here. I'll use Debbie Bliss pure silk, such decadence!
- Another Syd Rabbit. This time for my friend's almost 2 year old, whose birthday is coming up in August, using the Rowan Classic Baby Alpaca.
- A crocheted bag for another friend's almost 5 year old daughter, this time from this book, which I've just ordered from Amazon. I'll use the Rowan pure wool DK.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
I had to have a go...
I entered my blog URL and this is what came up:
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
This year, having gained more space by getting my allotment (which is proving to be very hard work on my own...but that's another story), I decided to make a little strawberry bed in my raised beds in the garden.
I only planted 8 plants, but they have already made lots of extra little ones on the runners that they produce, which I will attempt to peg down and make some more individual plantlets. I wouldn't say I've had a bumper crop - certainly not enough to consider making some jam. But I have had a couple of bowls of sun-warmed fruits, picked and eaten with minutes. With lashings of double cream. No photo, I'm afraid - too greedy!
But, horror of horrors, something has discovered them again and it's not of the canine variety. I know that because dogs and chickens are kept out of my vegetable patch at the moment by the installation of some stock fence. It could be squirrels or it could be pigeons, I'm not sure. But the long and short of it is that I have now netted my little strawberry bed and now sit back and wait for another bowl-full to ripen.