Finally, this is my latest finished crochet project. A skinny scarf made with the gorgeous yarns in this post. All the details of my yarn projects are now on Ravelry, where I'm known as Lilyflossie!
Sunday, 30 March 2008
British Summer Time...
Thursday, 27 March 2008
My Easter...

The photo mosaic site finally played ball...
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Why I started my blog ?
As I said in my first ever post, I stumbled into Blogland innocently enough and pretty soon I found myself hooked. After several weeks of lurking, I decided to join in. I was way out of practice in the writing department and having decided to go back into full-time education, I thought it might be a gentle start into the putting down of words. It has also been a revelation in how much pleasure there is to be found in sharing the good and not so good parts of my life. I've always found writing quite cathartic and although the subject matter these days is very different, I find it very therapeutic.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Good Friday...
I've got friends arriving later this afternoon for the weekend and I will be cooking lunch on Sunday for 17...Jamie Oliver's slow-cooked shoulder of lamb...should read shoulders! From this book.
These golden bunnies are itching to escape the cupboard that they've been hiding in for the last week...
And for those of you who guessed correctly as to my latest knitting project , here they are in all their glory. They were such good fun to do; I really enjoyed playing around with the pastel colours - a palette I don't often use.
Of course, I did the now obligatory mosaic...

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Cornish Cruncher...
Like cheese? Try this! I had a bit of time on my hands last week so thought I would have a slow browse around my local M & S food store rather than the usual mad dash in for milk and bananas. This is what I spotted and my goodness, its delicious! Just as it is, on a cracker - perfect! It didn't last very long and will probably feature on the mad dash list in the future.
It's as soft as butter through my fingers when I'm working - gorgeous!
Saturday, 15 March 2008
My Conservatory...
I tend to spend most of my free time relaxing in here, usually knitting, listening to music or reading. My favourite seat in the house is the little reclining chair that was an impulse buy whilst out buying sofas for my living room. To sit and just look out at the garden is a good way to pass the time, mug of coffee by my side, watching all the action at the bird feeders.
Rose quartz is my favourite crystal and one of my good friends gave me this chunk at Splodge's funeral to remind me of the love I have for him.
The pink hydrangea has replaced my Christmas poinsettia; when the flowers are first out they are almost lime green and turn pink as they get bigger.
My Mother-in-laws tongue has 2 flowers on it. I've had one of these for years and years and have never seen a flower on one before. There is a tiny droplet of water underneath each flower.

Monday, 10 March 2008
...and finding it...
It actually turned out to be a good day for being outside, so I went armed with my camera to capture what's going on in my garden. My broad beans have settled nicely since I planted them out 2 weeks ago. I sowed these in the autumn. No doubt they will soon be covered in black fly.
My shrubs and climbers are just full of buds.
clematis montana
clematis armandii
This climbing hydrangea is one of my favourites - the flowers are beautiful, huge and creamy.
In the greenhouse I sowed basil, purple basil, alpine strawberries (a freebie pack from Sarah Raven because I spent far too much there) and some more sweet peas. The ones I sowed in the autumn are looking good, so it will be interesting to see which ones are better.
After a hearty lunch of Jamie Oliver's Steak, Guiness and Cheese pie (but I didn't bother with the puff pastry lid, so we just had it as a stew to which I added some dumplings), No2 and I set off over the garden fence to give this bit of machinery a go...
My arms are killing me today! But my plot looks a million dollars! At least I think it does! I didn't get to plant my onions and shallots as we got carried away making a bonfire...
Boys will be boys and this particular boy completely conquered his fear of heights on his Scouts Fun Day and did some abseiling. The Scout Leader made a special point of telling me to be very proud of him and that he was a great kid. It's nice to be told that!
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Losing it...
So, today I should have done quite a few things...but haven't really done anything...again. No2 has gone on a fun-day with Scouts, so we were up early. Here's a list of things I should/could have done:
- Put wires along my shed roof to train clematis montana along
- rotivate plot at allotment and plant onion and shallot sets
- lift and divide bearded irises in border
- sow beetroot and carrot under cloches in raised beds
- clean out chickens
- plant out tulips and aliums that I started off in pots in the autumn
- take dogs out for a walk
- hoovered and mopped floors (no thanks!!)
- made imminent birthday cards rather than leave it til the night before...
The trouble is, I got my Ravelry invitation in the week and have spent hours (yes, hours) in front of my screen checking it all out, adding favourites and adding books onto my Amazon Wish List, so that's today taken care of.
Oh well, another day tomorrow. Hopefully I won't be able to use the weather forecast as an excuse to do more of the same...
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Role reversal...
So there I was faced with an enormous display of flowers. I selected a gorgeous bouquet filled with huge pale pink roses, white alstroemeria and white alum lilies for my Mum. She has the perfect duck-egg vase for them.
Then I chose a more subtle spring bouquet of blue hyacinths, pink tulips and yellow daffodils. These I took to the cemetery. I know I'm not the only Mum in the world to do this on Mother's Day, but I felt very alone standing there in the sunshine, knowing that above and beyond anything, I will always be Tom's Mum...
Ps. It would be mean not to mention the wonderful bouquet No2 handed to me on his return from his Dad's this afternoon. It was one of those exotic mixtures (again, good ol' M & S!) with proteas and other unusual blooms. Something I would never choose, but often admire...