Monday 23 February 2009

Snow inspired...

Remember the snow? It's funny how quickly you forget things once they've passed. And such a fuss at the time!

When uni was cancelled for The Whole Week, our tutors posted tasks for us to keep busy with while we were at home. My art tutor asked us to be inspired by the snow...maybe use it as a material... Not quite, but I did have some wool waiting to be used...

I'd had enough of it by the time the request was made, but I was inspired to make someone who actually quite likes snow...

He didn't mind sitting out amongst it! He's not quite finished in this picture - I hadn't sewn his wings on - but the snow started to melt!

He's been re-homed with his new owner, and re-named - MacArthur - and I hear he is behaving himself now that the snow has disappeared...

Ahh, still in love with amigurumi...


  1. I love the roundness of his head and the conical beak!!!

  2. oh so cute, no why couldn't my crochet look like that........

  3. I'm still in love with your amigurumi, too! Perhaps we could have an amigurumi class as the sequel to our Loop class-hint, hint! K x

  4. CUTE!!! and lovely coloured wools. x

  5. Awww, he's gorgeous! I'm so glad the snow has gone - it looked lovely but was SO impractical! x


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