Sunday, 3 January 2010

New Year, new quilt...

This pile of fabric has been waiting patiently for nearly 2 months in my workroom.

As soon as my decorations are down tomorrow and my house is back to normal, I will be cutting into them!

I can't wait!

My Australian visitors came with a lovely present for me too - some Sprout Designs fabrics.

I'm loving the caterpiller one, of course.


  1. I can't wait to see what you make either!

  2. I'd never heard of Sprout Designs, but just looked them up and am completely in love. Do you know if there's anywhere we can buy the fabrics here? K x

  3. I rather like those big polka dots although the caterpillar looks fun too!

  4. don't you just love all the possibilities held by uncut fabric?

  5. You need

    to stop

    doing this

    to me!


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