Thursday 13 January 2011


…some of my Paperwhites are on the kitchen table and growing nicely, snug in their mossy basket.  I’m looking forward to opening the door in the mornings to their heady scent…


Paperwhite shoots in basket

…I have the bluest of blue hyacinths on the kitchen windowsill…


Blue hyacinth buds

…and the first of this year’s shop-bought tulips…


First pink tulip

…elsewhere in the house, I have been making a little something to protect my Christmas present…


iPad apple macro

…the clue is in the fabric…



…just a simple envelope with the now obligatory buttonhole!


iPad cover


  1. oohh lucky you. the cover looks gorgeous too. Happy sweet spring scented blooms and a lovely 2011 to you xxx

  2. An ipad (I think?), you lucky girl! I got an first in the 21st century at last!

    Lovely fabric, and just can't resist the spring bulbs.

    D x

  3. Flowers ARE definitely the cure/antidote to January! Are those the late blooming hyacinth that you mentioned some weeks back? I have a bowl of hyacinth just emerging . . . (and it will be a lovely surprise because I can't remember what colour they are!).

  4. btw, I'm reading To Kill a Mockingbird right now -- for my Mother/Daughter Book Club.
    I noticed it on your "favourite book" list.

  5. Love the scent of hyacinths (the ones I planted are nowhere near as advanced as yours) and tulips are my absolute favourite flower. Nice work on the cover, btw.

  6. Hihi very cool fabric! Love the linen (is it linen?) too

  7. I love hyacinths, but love apples even more! You lucky girl! K x

  8. I'm with Kristina... 'apples' are fab... sigh..

  9. I happen to be saving my pennies for a desktop version of that same fruit!

    Lovely, lovely flowers...


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