Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Kew in April #2…

Kristina and I made our monthly visit to Kew yesterday.  We were hoping for lots of blossom but other than this pompom-like pink stunner, we seemed to have either missed it time wise or walk wise.


Kew pink blossom (2)


Looking back over my post from April last year, there is a noticeable difference in the blooms this year.  They are much earlier, which is surprising as we had a long, cold winter.


Kew white rhododendrons


The rhododendrons were in full bloom and my favourite was this unusual pale lemon one.  I always tend to think of rhododendrons being pink or mauve.  These were  a whole month earlier than last year.


Kew pale lemon rhododendron


We also stumbled across this beautiful pale lemon magnolia, still in all its glory while its cousins were dropping all their petals.


Kew pale yellow magnolia blooms

Kew pale lemon magnolia flower centre


My absolute favourites though, were the tulips.  We didn’t see them like this before, that’s for sure.


Kew tulip beds (2)


Whether they are parrot tulips in an urn with happy-faced violets underneath…


Kew tulip urn


…or striking lily-flowered tulips (I’m guessing that this is the type they are because the lily-flowered ones love to open out in the sun), underplanted with white forget-me-nots…


Kew red and white tulip


… or peony-like ones, perfect against the blue forget-me-nots…


Kew tulips & forget-me-nots


…or stately single tulips with wallflowers…


Kew tulips & wallflowers


… I cannot get enough of them.  Love tulips.




  1. I can't recall such a stunning Spring - the flowers have been amazing.

  2. What beautiful contrast-y plantings! And how confusing: things are blooming a good bit later here than they did last year...yet we don't get the lemon-scented "southern" magnolia blossoms until summer. ??

  3. Too funny! I don't think our posts have ever matched up so precisely. Though yours is definitely the more stunning with the extra big pictures!

    K x

  4. I really enjoy your kew gardens posts as I love it there so much. The tulip display is stunning! I have never had so many things bloom in my garden as I have this year. I think it is going to be a flowery year for us all!!!

  5. I don't know how they do it but I'd love my future garden to look even an inch like that!! Tulips are truly wonderful this year!

  6. That magnolia is magnificent but yes, the tulips get my vote, too.

  7. Oh my goodness, so gorgeous - words fail me!


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