Monday, 7 January 2008

Always something there to remind me...

I had a terrible nights sleep last night and spent too many hours with a restless mind. One of the things that was spinning round was a photographic memory board of the things around my home that serve as a constant reminder of My Beautiful Boy.

Ok, ok, enough of this silly business...his name is Tom. There, it's out for the world to know. I'm not sure why I felt so precious in not revealing his name, but hey...

I live in a house that is really far too big for just me and No.2...his name is Charlie!! But I quite like No.2, it leaves the suggestion that there is a No.1.

Anyway, this morning off I set to capture some of the things that are cherished reminders...

The funkiest shower head imaginable.

An enviable collection of Beanie Babies.

Great deliberation was taken each evening over which one would grace the pillow.

A pain-staking cross-stitch, done whilst pregnant...oblivious of the tragedy that would unfold.

The most amazing wind chime found in a gift shop in San Destin on the Florida Panhandle.

All things tactile...HUGE sheepskin and beaded cushion on his water-bed. Bliss...

Boxes of things to sink soft fingers into...

One finger-painting to cherish forever...

...note to self: must get framed.


  1. Framing his finger painting is a lovely idea. Sorry about the restless night - they are evil things.

  2. definitely frame Toms' picture. It will make it feel even more special, if that's possible. x

  3. Love this sampler post...especially the finger painting. ((HUGS))

  4. Oh those pictures are all very evocative. He was clearly a boy with a good bright taste in colours :o)

  5. Hello ... thank you for visiting my bloggy bits. I have just spent a lovely little while reading yours. I admire your crafting enormousl - that loopy cushion is wonderful!

    I also wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss - I cannot imagine how awful it must have been for you.

    I have bookmarked your blog - hope you don't mind if I become a 'regular'.

    Take care. x

  6. Good things, all of them. But especialy Tom's painting. We have some rather fetching papier mache bowls and pottery tiles :)
    Those nights suck. Better sleep tonight, hey?

  7. I've just read your blog from start to finish. You have been so brave - I have cried whilst reading your posts, as a mother myself my heart breaks at the thought of what you have been through. But I really hope that posting on here brings you some peace and gives you the freedom to say what you are feeling on the good and bad days. I wish you a year of not feeling guilty for the days you smile or for the days you don't.


  8. The picture is beautiful - do frame it to keep it safe forever. And as others have said, what lovely bright colours and textures.

    Hope you are sleeping a little better now. 3am is a very lonely time.


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