Thursday 4 February 2010

Monkeys and magnets...

On Sunday I made my way over to Islington to the make lounge with Kristina to do some extraordinary embroidery.

It's been a long time since I really embroidered anything and one thing I have always struggled to do is a French knot.  Not anymore!  I think I could have quite happily sat and made them all afternoon!  Our lovely teacher, Catherine, showed us the crucial tip of holding the carefully wound thread close to the fabric as we pulled the needle through to produce perfect little knots.

We got to choose a Sublime Stitching transfer pack to embroider.  There was much ooh-ing and aah-ing at all the designs and minds were being constantly changed.  I settled on Monkey Love just because.

After ironing on our transfer, we set to embroidering our design.  I outlined his face in split stitch and filled in using the same stitch but in a lighter brown and then finished him off with two French knots for his eyes.

The carousel of threads in the window has inspired me to do lots more embroidery.  So I came straight home and got started on another design from the pack.


Days 2 and 3 of the Seven Days of Specialness swaps have been filled with gasps of delight.  For Day 2 there was these fab fabrics...

...and for Day 3, these gorgeous fabric magnets.

A magnet board is on my list to put up in my workroom, so these will soon have a very important job in there.  Look how cute that little deer is!

Loving this week still!


  1. Fabulous embroidery... what fun! Lovely pressies too.

  2. Oooh, I'm even more excited about our course in March now! The monkey, the monkey!

  3. I've never mastered a french knot - they always unravel. Must be doing something wrong! Love all that monkey business...

  4. what a fab course, the monkey is a real cutie xoxo

  5. Your monkeys are adorable! And I love your presents from Lesley! Lucy x

  6. I would love to do a 'proper' french knot. I used to do a colonial knot instead which is like putting the thread in a figure of eight shape and putting your needle through the centre! I have looked at courses at the make lounge many times. I would love to go one day. I like the modern twist they put on crafting. Your embroidery was sublime by the way!!! x

  7. Eek! Your embroidery looks so very tidy. I'd better get some practice in before March!

  8. Eek! Your embroidery looks so very tidy. I'd better get some practice in before March!

  9. I need to go to the Make Lounge! What a lovely day out.

    Thank you so much for my gorgeous Day 2 and 3 pressies :o)


  10. Embroidery is fun and I especially love making those french knots. You did a great job. Can you see why I am addicted to buying embroidery floss? So many colors and so little time!!!!!!

  11. Oh it was so much fun doing it together! And your monkey was definitely best in class! K x

  12. oh my, now I don't know if being super excited about March or completely terrified!


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